Monthly Archives: January 2017

What History May Tell Us About Amoris Laetitia

Today cardinals and bishops are intensely divided over whether or not invalidly married Catholics living in adultery can receive Holy Communion. Fifty years ago, this kind of question would have boggled the minds of Catholics everywhere, because the answer would be both obvious and simple: “No!”

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Imagine waiting for hours, in stifling heat, for the possibility of Mass and the Eucharist

After a car and then bike ride that lasted hours and left him exhausted and covered in sweat and dirt he found the villagers eagerly and patiently waiting for Christ.

Though Africa seems so distant we must see and seek to model their example of faith and perseverance.  This is the dirty and difficult road on the journey towards sanctification that must be faced with patience and hunger for Christ.  A way that we will either seek by choice or be forced to follow in persecution.  If we seek there will be peace and joy in it while we wait for Christ who is coming.

Source: Imagine waiting for hours, in stifling heat, for the possibility of Mass and the Eucharist

What liberal intellectuals get wrong about transgenderism

Nottingham’s council house flies the LGBT flag for IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia) (PA)

The article suggests and provides multiple reasons why we might soon expect a backlash to the extensive liberal crusade from which we’ve experienced a recent crescendo of transgenderism and its progress toward gender elimination.  Yes, I used the right word because the ultimate result of these liberal novelties is the suppression of sex and gender.  Just like they say in the Incredibles movie, when all genders are possible no gender will be possible.  Actually they said when everyone is special no one is special but you get my gist.

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The father of Vatican II: John Henry Newman and doctrinal continuity

Vatican II met at a time of optimistic euphoria, and of moral and spiritual devastation. Newman would insist that those who lived through the Council are less likely to understand its meaning and significance than posterity.

For those of you who know and enjoy Newman’s writings or those who want to this is a great article to wet your appetite.  It outlines how  Newman’s writings set the stage for many of the Vatican II  documents based on his insights of Vatican I.  In addition, you will find yourself wondering about a Vatican III as well as what form of monastic life today’s Church will need to understand and live out the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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Order of Malta Votes in Favor of Accepting Festing’s Resignation

Albrecht von Boeselager reinstated as Grand Chancellor; Order to elect new Grand Master “soon”.

When this story broke I encouraged you to keep an eye on it given it’s similar dynamics and behaviors we are also seeing in the Curia’s mandatory requirement of obedience or replacement, the replacement of priests in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Mueller and in the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments under Cardinal Sarah (don’t even think about what reforms can happen if you control both of these congregations), and the recently odd selection of Cardinals. Not to mention the consistent demonizing of cardinals, priests, and laity not inline with the “new horizon” or who are in support of clarifying Amoris Laetitia by answering the dubia.

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Revisit the beautiful science of life ‘In the Womb’

“In the Womb,” the first of a seven-part series by National Geographic, is now available in its entirety on YouTube (embedded I n the article).

God is amazing. Share this with anyone expecting or even considering an abortion. The article highlights a number of significant facts but the video is what you want to set time aside to watch.

The video helps you visually understand why a baby is truly a human being forming inside the womb and not just an appendage of the woman’s body.  With approximately 45 million abortions per year globally abortion is the largest massacre of humans ever.  We bemoan the dead from every battle or war and have parades and holidays to remember them but not for these poor innocents of the culture war.

Source: Revisit the beautiful science of life ‘In the Womb’

Anti-Catholic Critics Oppose Orthodox Council on Unity

While the historic Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, which took place in Crete this past June, sought to bridge the gap between Orthodox and non-Orthodox churches, it seems to have created a divide within the Orthodox Church itself.

Its interesting to see the same effects of a “unity under any circumstances” erroneous ecumenism happening in the Orthodox Church as we’ve seen in the Catholic Church after Vatican II regarding ecumenical relations with the Protestant communities.

We hope for unity but must stand firm in truth.  A unity of lies isn’t true unity.  I think it becomes apparent what is really happening and if the Spirit is really involved by looking at the reaction of the leaders when things begin to go wrong.  It looks like a man thing and not a God thing to me.

Source: Anti-Catholic Critics Oppose Orthodox Council on Unity – Crisis Magazine

California Shifts Approach to Child Prostitution, and Church Steps in to Help

A new state law decriminalizes underage prostitution for the minors involved, while retaining penalties for the adults who exploit them.

I highlight this article for a few reasons.

  1. Of all we hear coming out of California this seems like a reasonable law.  Time will tell if the approach works but it should, given it relies on a rehab model used for many other situations such as for single moms.  It is critical for good intentions to be supported by the appropriate levels of social service availability which seems to be in question.

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Grand Master of the Order of Malta Offers Resignation

Order’s governing council must still vote to accept the resignation; Vatican says Pope will appoint a Papal Delegate to head the Order.

Odd happenings here. You’ll want to keep an eye on this.

The events are as follows: the grand chancellor is basically fired for being involved with handing out contraception; the grand master (selected for life) steps in; the chancellor complains to Rome; Rome sends a commission to investigate; the grand master rejected Rome’s involvement with the Orders internal matter; Rome brings the grand master to the Pope and within a short meeting the grand master resigns; now Rome will assign a delegate to replace him.

Seems like a corporate take over.  Will the Order stop giving out contraception?  Will Rome now control the order and its extensive bank accounts?  Why did the grand master resist Rome then resign after one meeting with the Pope?  Will the chancellor get his job back? Interesting times we live in.

Source: Grand Master of the Order of Malta Offers Resignation

Amoris Laetitia Ignores Canon Law

Three ways to not deal with Canon 915 Or, three ways in which the “pro-Amoris” wing is trying to get around the Church’s clear teachings about admitting divorced-and-remarried Catholics to holy Communion.

There is a clear question in this article that like the dubia canon law is being ignored by the “proAmoris-wing” of the Church who are storming our faith for what’s now being called the “new horizon”. The question is, how do we get around the clear directives of canon 915? Read the article and you will see the author has identified exactly what we see happening today.

Here’s canon 915 [and 916 on the effect of conscience] from the section of canon law on the reception of Holy Eucharist:

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Pope Francis rebukes ‘lazy,’ ‘egotistical,’ ‘constantly condemning’ Christians

New papal homilies from Tuesday and Friday reproach those not aligned with his progressive agenda.

Folks, the attacks on faithful Catholic’s who hold to Church teachings and question the progressive “new horizon” of change is growing every week.  We in the US, just now coming off a presidential campaign year, have seen this very tactic of demonizing ones enemy for months now.

We who hold to the faith decry the claim and characterization that we are Pharisees only interested in rules and not the heart of Gods justice and mercy.  Why have we been called names every week by our own Church? Isn’t the fight against the spirit of the age that would deny what we have been taught?  Isn’t this exactly what St Paul taught when some came with new teachings? 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 2 Timothy 1:13-14, 2 Timothy 3:14, Titus 1:9, Phillippians 4:9, 2 Timothy 2:1-7, etc.  Who is putting themselves in opposition to the scriptures?

It seems to me to be a simple diversionary tactic in the face of increased pressure to answer the dubia.  Wouldn’t it be better to clear the waters, speak the truth, and lead the little ones to safety? Luke 17:1-2.  Woe is the warning.

Source: Pope Francis rebukes ‘lazy,’ ‘egotistical,’ ‘constantly condemning’ Christians

Population Controllers to Pontificate at the Vatican – The Catholic Thing

Invitation by the Vatican to Paul “The Population Bomb” Ehrlich to speak there about birth control.

The world around us, even those in significant positions in our Church, seem to be going insane.  You might say, “Rob, what on earth do you mean?”  Well, I’m glad you asked.  Take the fact that our Church, which teaches abortion is a mortal sin, is asking the poster child for the global push for population control to come and present at the Vatican, to a group of well educated Church academics and priests, a talk on how to save our planet.  Hmmm…I’m thinking part of his talk will be on population control (aka abortion) and its impact on our biosphere. So the Church wants to pay someone to come and profess abortion as a solution.

The extremely crazy part is…..okay, wait for it….all of his predictions have been proven as completely false over the years but he keeps being paid to say them.  I guess it’s true. If you say something enough it will become true.

I wonder if the Vatican will pay me to come and hum silly tunes during the breaks if I cover myself in maple leaves and call myself the Maple King.  I’m eco-friendly, really.  I will only use leaves that have fallen of their own accord.

Ask yourself, how isn’t this causing scandal?  A house divided can not stand.  Didn’t someone like Jesus say that?

Source: Population Controllers to Pontificate at the Vatican – The Catholic Thing

7 Ways to increase your commitment to the sacredness of life

As we gear up for the March for Life on January 27, here are seven ways to spiritually and materially increase your commitment to the sacredness of life.

I’m hoping you’ve all heard about President Trump reinstating the 1984 “Mexico City Policy” that restricts federal funds from being given to international organizations that promote abortion thus in effect defunding the international planned parenthood federation.  I’m sure they’ll try to sue the government to keep the money flowing which is often redirected to additional activities supporting  LGBT initiatives world wide.

With the March for Life coming up in a few days consider beginning the Novena mentioned in the article. May our prays for life be a sweet aroma before His throne.  May God have mercy on our country and bring peace.

Source: 7 Ways to increase your commitment to the sacredness of life

How to keep Christmas while the world races toward the next big thing

Check this article out. It has some great ways to keep Christmas going through this liturgical season. It’s nice to get disconnected from the worldly calendar speeding it’s way to the next shopping season.

Advent in the Deathworks

This might seem a little late but we may all of had these moments and discussions during Christmas and New Years gatherings. So I thought this would actually be timely.

I’m sure some of those discussions proved out this quote:

…“culture is the form of fighting before the firing actually begins.” Successful cultures make “the ultimate political means of enforcement, armed force, unnecessary.” That is, the ideas held by these best sorts of people, once enshrined culturally, are as uncompromising and total as any police state or occupying force.